Who is Gregg Phillips?
Part 2: 2016 looks like 2020 and 2022 As The Election Grifting Season Ends With A Lawsuit And Yet Another Credibility Blow For True The Vote And Gregg Phillips.
This is part two in an ongoing collaboration series with my friend Karen. You can follow her on TruthSocial @Godsgal and myself @Anon_Leon
On September 12, 2022, Konnech, Inc., filed a Lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division vs. True the Vote, Inc., Gregg Phillips, and Catherine Englebrecht.
Konnech, based in Lansing, Michigan, provides governmental entities in the U.S. with election logistics software, called PollChief, which is used by those governmental entities to recruit, train and schedule poll workers, coordinate the distribution of equipment and supplies to polling places and dispatch support personnel to address technical issues.
As we attempt to unravel the Web of stories and activities surrounding this lawsuit, we hope to help you come to understand why there are serious questions regarding these two individual’s motives and purported efforts to investigate and address voter integrity issues in our country.
Since 2016 we’ve heard Gregg Phillips repeatedly assert on various podcasts, news outlets and social media sites that he has“proof” of vote tampering. While we are grateful and thankful for what President Trump has done to question what we believe are legitimate questions regarding voting anomalies and questionable practices in various precincts that potentially changed the true outcome of the 2020 elections, we need credible proof in order to hold people accountable and prevent it from happening again.
Prior to November 2017, Gregg Phillips was relatively unknown until November 11, 2016, when he posted on Twitter the bold claim that he had “completed” analysis of 180 million voter registrations and asserting that the number of non-citizen votes exceeded 3 million, prompting consultation with a legal team. On November 13, 2016, Phillips tweets again, stating, “We” have “Verified” more than 3 million votes cast by non-citizens. We are joining @TrueTheVote to initiate legal action, Gregg Phillips (@JumpVote). The implication is that Gregg Phillips has analyzed a database of 180 million votes and verified that 3 million illegal votes have been cast in 2 days. How does one accomplish getting 180 million registrations,“completed and verified” in that period of time?
December 16, 2016, Phillips tweets “Emperor Obama has not clothes, his feeble concerns over election integrity are BS. He enabled 3 million illegal votes from non-citizens.” Gregg Phillips @jumpvote.
And on December 30, 2016, this from Phillips: “no matter what Obama or anyone else says, the only entity that hacked election systems was Obama’s Department of Homeland Security.”Gregg Phillips @jumpvote.
This is strange in light of the original claim that non-citizens had voted and he had gathered this information from voter registration records, and now (14 days later) he is asserting Homeland Security has hacked the system? Phillips completed and verified his analysis on November 11th and 13th, yet never uttered a word about anything being hacked.
Gregg Phillips was asked in an interview with www.clarionledger.com on January 26, 2017, if the non-citizen count was “accurate”. Phillips responded, “That’s our “opinion” based on “research and analysis” that “we”conducted and are prepared to stand by.” How strange, Phillips now states the analysis and research “has been done” and it is based, wait for it… on opinion? He adds, “If I’m wrong, I’m just going to say I’m wrong. I screwed up.” Research based on opinion is just a house with no foundation to stand on. You don’t win races based on one’s “opinion”. People just want the facts.
On January 27, 2017, the president tweets: Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) “looks forward to seeing the “final results” of VoteStand”, adding that “Gregg Phillips and “crew”say at least 3,000,000 votes were Illegal. We must do better” Catherine Englebrecht sends out a tweet shortly, thereafter, stating she and .@TrueTheVote will “lead” the “analysis” and “reporting” effort from here.” And then she quickly used the opportunity to push a $1M fundraising campaign to “audit” its “data”.
Catherine Englebrecht states at http:/wesconsinexaminers.com/22/06/09/she-helped-create-the-big-lie-records-suggest-she-turned-it-into-a-big-grift/, “Our “audit” team will include world-class technologists, researchers, data miners, statisticians, scholars, analysis, and subject matter experts. This isn’t B team stuff,” Englebrecht wrote in a fundraising email, concluding with, “The integrity of our election is too important.” Why is Phillip’s analysis and verification suddenly in need of an “audit”?
It appears this effort is all about raising money. In pairing up to do an “AUDIT” Phillips & Englebrecht can ask donors for $1 million to do it! Genius! It was very unfortunate to learn this audit was never completed or released thus no one is privy to the evidence behind any of their claims. However, in a video posted on YouTube in June of 2017, Engelbrecht said the pair dropped the effort because donor promises didn’t materialize. Interestingly, in 2017 the organization was in the red by more than $139,000 and reported having “one employee.” How does Englebrecht confidently declare she will conduct an audit when her organization has only “one employee”? Why was there no staff? It certainly appears that Phillips and Englebrecht were not telling the truth from the beginning about their collaboration. Was it all a lie from the day the announcement was made by Gregg Phillips in November? Remember, he announced on November 11, 2016, he had completed this task.
On January 27, 2022, in an article on http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/who-gregg-phillips-man-trump-name-checked-prove-voter-fraud-n713186 it was reported that Phillips was unwilling to share his discovery of non-citizens voting to the public “at least for now”. The report goes on to state that the firm he partnered with, an organization called, True the Vote would help update voter registrations records and pair them with voting records and addresses.
The article goes on to say; “The result of this partnership is a technology solution to “analyze” the nation’s voter registration records to quickly and easily verify identity, residency, non-citizens, age, duplicates, dead and felon status in real time.” It is apparent now that Phillip’s earlier tweets asserting that he had “analyzed and verified” the results of the election were not true. Now we fully realize he hadn’t even started.
The article further stated that there had been a “hitch.” NBC stated that Phillips was questioned by CNN. Here’s what he told Chris Cuomo at CNN:
Cuomo: Do you have proof? Phillips: yes Cuomo: Can I have it? Phillips: No. Cuomo: Why? Phillips: We’re not- the rest of the tweets, there were a whole series of tweets, those were taken slightly out of context (what?) but one of the key tweets that “we” (who’s we?) have stuck with all along is we’re going to release all of this to the public. We’re going to release our methodology, we’re going to release our raw data, we’re going to release our conclusions, we’re going to release everything to the public. Cuomo: When? Phillips: As soon as we get done with the checks. Cuomo: Hold on, so you’re not done checking yet?
As you can see there were many questions from all quarters regarding Phillips’s assertions of November 11th and 13th saying he had completed and verified all 189 million registrations. Remember, this is almost two months after his claims, and nothing has been produced. You can’t blame people for being frustrated and expressing their skepticism of Phillips and the real motives behind his claims.
In a discussion on Alabama Unfiltered on August 26, 2022, regarding the 2016 elections and meeting Trump, Phillips was asked how the tweet made its way to President Trump? He replied, “he had no idea how his tweet made its way to President Trump.” That’s not entirely true, he was aware it had attracted attention on “Infowars”, nonetheless when asked, Phillips demurred.
The www.bbc.com/news/world-uscanada-38774428 reports that Phillips stated his figure regarding the illegal votes was based on 189 million voting records and now explains he had “a group of volunteer election integrity researchers who “collected” the information from voter files around the country. We’re not completely certain, but we are not aware of any county giving out voting records just days after an election, or any massive effort to collect them from cooperative precincts all around the country. Not to mention the significant effort to conduct and complete a comprehensive review & verification of the results in a 2-day timeframe.
Remember, on January 27, 2017, Catherine Englebrecht stated in a tweet she would lead the analysis. So, it appears the analysis hadn’t been done in 2 day’s time. Chris Cuomo, from CNN (from the hhtp://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38774428 interview) asked Phillips about the evidence to validate his statements, and he replied, “he would reveal his raw data, his algorithm and his methodology to the public, and to the US Department of Justice. Phillips opined his results may “still” contain errors, which was the reason for the delay.” Errors? Phillips is seemingly indicating there have been errors, but no further explanation was given. He went on to inform Chris Cuomo that, it may be “months” before he is able to reveal his findings.
One could conclude from the above statements that this appears to be a pre-planned announcement that may have not been fully thought through. In the same article, When Phillips was asked by ABC News about the facts, he stated he was “building that case right now.” What case is Phillips building that he has not already stated he made? Didn’t he make it clear to the world on November 11th and 13th he had verified and completed his work?
To this very day, Phillip’s promised reveal in 2017 has yet to be seen and apparently will not be seen because as stated above, Englebrecht and Phillips didn’t have the funds nor the staff to do the work when they announced their plans. Sadly, the bold claims were not validated by any subsequent follow through and nothing of substance was achieved.
A quick reminder. On November 2, 2012, https://www.msn.com/politicsnation/pro-newt-super-pac-launches-voter-fraud-app-msna15542 posted an articlepitching the app: “VOTESTAND” and thanked “Winning Our Future super PAC” (Gregg founder of VOTESTANDgregg_phillips_twitter_profile_png_335x480 pixels) The question was asked, do you want to be a poll watcher? Then stated, “now there’s an app for that.” This app allows users to submit their own photo or video along with text to report “incidents” they see at their local polling places. However, it’s illegal to take photos or video inside of a polling station in many states. Users are able to agree to the terms of service without reading them, and there is no additional warning to make sure one complies with local election laws before a photo is taken. The app says all incidents submitted will be investigated, although it was unclear by whom. From this article it doesn’t appear the app did much of anything for voter integrity. However, it did allow the user to browse the latest incidents, and the article did state that on Friday it included one photo that showed a grassy lawn littered with acorns. The “incident” from Houston, Texas, home of the Tea Party poll watching group“TrueTheVote,” was titled “A whole lot of ACORNS!” This is a likely reference to the now defunct voter registration group, or could it have been a reference to Anita MonCrief, a formeremployee of ACORN, working for Catherine Engelbrecht?We found it interesting that “TrueTheVote” was involved.
Phillips and Englebrecht have claimed they didn’t know each other until 2014 (RSBN, The Pit August 13, 2022). Ultimately, and unfortunately, VoteStand did nothing for Newt Gingrich’s campaign as he dropped out of the 2012 presidential race. However, Phillips used VoteStand again in 2016 with apparently nothing of significance to report.
During the “PIT” (RSBN The pit August 13, 2022) party for the so-called “worthiest of people”. Phillips presentedVoteStand as a “NEW” and exciting app that they would be using this year. Oddly, we’ve yet to hear anything being mentioned about VoteStand since. However, it is notable that Phillips told those in attendance at the “Pit” and those watching via RSBN to take out their phones and text their number to VoteStand. Why ask people to do this if you knew there was no real intention of using it? Could it be an attempt to obtain “data”? It does seem suspect. However, we have found that “Protect the Vote” is being incorporated into the mix. We located an instruction sheet on Truth Social and found it to be very interesting given the fact that the VoteStand hype seemed to have disappeared from Phillips and Engelbrecht’s talking points.
There are instructions on how to report election issues.
2020 -2022
The continuation of profiteering off of stolen elections seems to continue:
The 2020 adventure began with True The Vote, Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips being given 2.5 million dollars to investigate allegations of illegal and fraudulent conduct in connection with the 2020 election effort called “Validate the Vote.”
http://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/06/09/she-helped-create-the-bis-lie-records-suggest-she-tu8rned-it-into-a-big-grift/ Election Day came, and Trump demanded that states stop counting votes. Trump claimed victory, saying-without proof that he’d been the victim of massive fraud. Trump’s campaign promised action.
Enter Fred Eshelman. Fred watched in angst. He was concernedthat the election had been riddled with fraud.
A political consultant emailed some of those conspiracies to Eshelman the morning of November 5, 2020, according to records filed as part of a lawsuit in rural Austin County, Texas.
Eshelman responded eight minutes later. “This stuff really needs to be verified, qualified, and a massive information campaign launched at American people,” he wrote. “You want a revolt from the Silent Majority, you got it.”
Eshelman told the consultant, Tom Crawford, that they needed the best most powerful public relations firm “cranked up now,” and they had to “figure out how to get it out in spite of the media.” At 6:30 a.m. that same morning, Bopp (Englebrecht’s lawyer) e-mailed her with an urgent plea to call him. The emails subject line: “voter fraud and a legal challenge.” “I have been contacted by a friend with access to substantial funding regarding an idea about lawsuits regarding voter fraud,” Bopp wrote. “You might be central to that. I would like to discuss.”
Within hours, Catherine prepared a donor pitch for what she called “Validate the Vote,” a litigation plan to challenge the election using whistleblower testimony. There were no whistleblowers, but in hours, she knew she could find them it would appear.
The two teams had a brief call, and Eshelman decided he was in. He ended up wiring True The Vote $2.5 million, records show.
Mr. Eshelman is the founder and Executive Chairman of PPD, Inc., a contract research organization and a pharmaceutical entrepreneur from North Carolina.
A court filing (4:20-cv-04034) from November 25, 2020, states in part, on around November 4th and November 5th Fredrick N. Eshelman spoke with Catherine Englebrecht about “Validate the Vote 2020” project. The True The Vote website, “In describing its missions and operations as “a network hub, working together with other organizations to implement targeted elections integrity initiatives to expose and deter election fraud. Catherine informs Mr. Eshelman that she “had organized”(that’s not true as she had just written the plan a couple of hours prior to calling Mr. Eshelman) its Validate the Vote 2020 effort to ensure the 2020 elections returns reflected one vote cast by one eligible voter and thereby protect the right to vote and the integrity of the election. Catherine explained that she believed that those efforts were necessary in light of the significant evidence that there were numerous instances of illegal ballots being cast and counted in the 2020 general election. How could she have known this since it was only 2-3 days after the election? Engelbrecht, went on to tell Mr. Eshelman she had “developed” a multi-pronged plan (Validate the Vote 2020) to investigate, litigate, and expose suspected illegal balloting and fraud in the 2020 election.
Part of the plan was to solicit whistleblower’s testimonies; build public momentum through broad publicity; galvanize Republican legislative support in key states; aggregate and analyze data to identify patterns of election subversion; and file lawsuits (4 lawsuits out of the 7 were filed and in days Englebrecht’s lawyer dropped them) in federal court with capacity to be heard by the Supreme Court of the United States. Engelbrecht explained she would use attorney Jim Bopp to file lawsuits in the seven closest battleground states with an eye toward serving subpoenas on state election officials to produce relevant election data.
It goes on to state Englebrecht expressed to Mr. Eshelman she intended to undertake sophisticated data modeling and statistical analysis to identify “potential” illegal or fraudulent balloting. Just a moment ago Catharine stated that there was “significant evidence”. The cost would be $7,325,000 which was well out of the range of Mr. Eshelman’s budget. However, Mr. Eshelman agreed to an initial gift of $2 Million to fund Englebrecht’s plan on the condition that the funds would be used to fund the initial stages of the “Validate the Vote” project subject to these conditions: $1,000,000 was to be for filing the contemplated litigation and Mr. Eshelman stated he would contribute more as it progressed.
Mr. Eshelman wired the $2 million to Engelbrecht on November 5, 2020. On November 13, 2020, an additional $500,000 was wired to Engelbrecht per her wiring instructions. Mr. Eshelman requested updates regularly and repeatedly sought substantive updates from her and others that were associated with her. Mr. Eshelman states that they were consistently met with vague responses, platitudes, and empty promises of follow-up that never occurred. Mr. Eshelman was wanting specifics and “data” relating to potential whistleblowers and how their allegations fit into the overall narrative, Engelbrecht would simply respond with vague comments like: “We are vetting” or “They are solid.” Englebrecht went on to ignore repeated request for memoranda and written reports to summarize her efforts.
Through it all, Engelbrecht failed to cooperate not just withMr. Eshelman, but with many who were involved with helping her with the 2020 project. Unfortunately, since she failed to comply with conditions agreed upon and simple requests for updates between her and Mr. Eshleman, he had no choice but to send out an email to Engelbrecht early on November 17, 2020, to request a refund of the balance of his $2.5 million dollar gift. To add insult to injury, she failed to respond to the email that was sent asking for the refund and thus is why Mr. Eshelman filed the lawsuit.
Mr. Eshelman alleged that True The Vote directed much of his money to people or businesses connected to the groups president, Catherine Englebrecht.
In the end Mr. Eshelman lost 2.5 million dollars in just under a week and a half. A contract was never signed between the two.
Go to: https://wisconsinexaminers.com/2022/06/09/she-helped-create-the-big-lie-records-suggest-she-turned-it-into-a-big-grift/ Read the full article to find out how Engelbrecht and Phillips used the money to pay themselves and the companies they both own. There you can review all the factual documentsof this statement and many others as well.
In an article by https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1098787088/a-pro-trump-suggest-its-data-are-so-accruate-it-solved-a-murder-thats-fals in 2022 after the 2020 presidential election, True The Vote said it purchased a “trove” of “geolocation data” obtained from electronic devices.
True The Vote said it used the “data” to track movements of people in key swing states around the time of the 2020 election. This “data” Phillips and Englebrecht claim is “location-tracking data” show thousands of people making suspiciously large numbers of stops at mail-in vote drop boxes in the 2020 election. They alleged that these individuals, the “mules” (see“2000 Mules” movie for reference) were making multiple stops because they were actually stuffing the drop boxes with stacks of completed ballots - a practice called “ballot harvesting”.
Speaking of “Data”, On September 11, 2022,http://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/fbi-conceles-chineese-infulteration-of-u-s-election-software/stated on September 8, 2022, Englebrecht and Phillips appeared together on truethevote.locals.com to discuss their 15-months (before it was 18 months) involvement with what was characterized as a“counter-intelligence operation” with the FBI into Konnech, Inc. Phillips and Englebrecht took the information they had to the FBI, the FBI “said the information was forwarded to their counter-intelligence operations, and a counter-intelligence op was opened up in January or February of 2021.”
Phillips described how he and Englebrecht played an active role in the FBI operation, “They engaged us in the operation, they (FBI) were communicating with us on a regular basis. They were communicating with Catherine regarding communications with the target and this went on for approximately 15 Months.” Phillips and Engelbrecht noted that the field office was“legitimate” and not “political law enforcement.” The FBI agents indicated to Phillips and Engelbrecht that Konnech,Inc. had already “been on their radar” and there were “lots of other problems” with the election company including “banking issues” and problems involving the company’s operations in “Australia and Canada”.
In January of 2021, Phillips states, the cyber analysis “he”had been working with, encountered an “oddity in some of the URL’s” such as vote4la.com, vote4detroit.com, and vote4boston.com, which Konnech’s “PollChief” software application used to gather personally identifying information about poll workers. (Let’s stop here to pose a question for consideration: How could Phillips have known this information if he hadn’t already breached the server?)
Remember that on Sept 2, 2022, Patriot Games, Episode 6 called, “Gamechanger”, Engelbrecht stated that “her and Gregg” “stumbled” upon “this company” (would not mention the company name) when “they” were looking for information and things just didn’t seem right. She continued saying, “they pulled in” Phillip’s TEAM to take a deeper dive. (How does one stumble onto something when you’re using cyber analysis that finds the information for you?) From this example, you can see that Phillips and Engelbrecht are inconsistent in the way they are expressing how they obtained the Konnech, Inc. information.
We found it interesting how this narrative differs from what they stated happened on truethevote.locals.com. On Alabama Unfiltered on August 31, 2022, Phillips stated that in the “3rd week of January, he received a call on a Friday morning, while he was in “Birmingham Alabama” when “His guy’s” said to him, “look you’ve gotta come and meet us.” Initially Phillips said, “The data centers,” but then changed it to the Anatole in Dallas, Texas. Phillips went on to say, “His guys” were armed, they had guns and towels were placed under the doors.” He made a comment that “these guys” were college friends and friends he worked with. He then states, “He didn’t find it, meaning the “data”. It was his “Data people” that found it. Phillips said, “He didn’t know what it was, and it was a company that was “PollChief” a database in China, “They” were showing him.” He said, “I left around 4:30 am went to Houston, called Catherine and met her there.”
Now we have three different versions of the same events. Thetruethevote.locals.com version where Phillips had worked on“The cyber analysis where “he” found “oddities,” the “Patriot Games” podcast version, where Phillips and Engelbrecht both stated, “They” found it and “pulled in Greggs team” and the “Alabama Unfiltered” version, where Phillips claims “he”received a call from “his” team.” Are you seeing a pattern here?
We’ve noticed that Phillips words things to make it seem as though he researched and found the information which is not entirely true either. World Freedom Alliance reports, Phillips describes using Binary Edge, a software product that companies use to identify and access the risk of cyber breaches. Actually, binaryedge.com states, “We” gather data for you! We scan the entire public internet, create real-time threat intelligence streams, and reports that show the exposure of what is connected to the internet. What is your internet attack surface?” The Binary Edge website does the work and provides the information on IP’s and URL’s. So, Phillips and Engelbrecht again, didn’t “stumble” into anything, they used the Binary Edge website (membership) to investigateKonnech, Inc. Gregg and Catherine went on to say “We” began to look at where do these URL’s actually resolve to.” “We found that most of them resolve to one IP address and that IP address- the URL resolved in China.” Wait, hadn’t Phillips stated earlier in this article that “He” was working on it? Now it’s “They”again! This is now a fourth version of the story.
Phillips and Engelbrecht went on to say, “What “we” learned in our review, apps.konnech.com (net), resolved into this same URL in China, meaning that the application itself was residing in China.” What application would he be referring to here? Phillips states, with Binary Edge, you can figure out what type of database they are using, their database port, and all the different services offered by ports in this particular application living in China. It turned out that not only did it live there, but they left the database open. What? The application lives there? This database stored the personal identification information of over a million American’s.” They further explained to the interviewer that it was a national security risk, and they “took”it to the FBI. However, they stated on their “Gamechanger”podcast they “called” the FBI. How would they have known what was in that database? Wouldn’t they have to access it to find out? What they’re not telling you here is, the “application” and “particular application they’re talking about in these conversations is “PollChief., Konnech’s software.” Why are they being so secretive?
In each story, we found it compelling that nothing has been mentioned about the FBI ever following up with the DC office in the entire 15 months or thereafter. In fact, Phillips and Englebrecht have yet to be contacted by the FBI since April 23, 2022. We’re certain many are wondering why? Are Phillips and Engelbrecht wanting people to believe that the FBI was already working on Konnech, had accessed important banking information and more in addition to receiving the “data” that was taken, and after 15 months plus, have decided to do nothing, but rather, turn their attention to Phillips and Engelbrecht and come after them in April 2022, because according to them, FBI headquarters believed they were “in the wrong for doing this and they were trying “to figure out how you guys broke the law to find all of this”?
Yet according to Phillips, on August 31, 2022, with Alabama Unfiltered stated they decided to open that door to citizen researchers from “all over” so they could get exposed to the “data,” but even more than that, the tools, i.e., AI. Subsequently, they decided to have a meeting called “The PIT”.
The story was repeated again on truethevote.locals.com In April of 2022. Phillips and Engelbrecht claim the FBI turned on them. And because the tables had turned, and the FBI was no longer interested in Konnech (Why no interest?), they decided to organize an event on August 13, 2022, in Arizona where they brought in about two hundred (they have alternatively reported 100, then 140, then 180, to 190) researchers, independent journalist, and “big thinkers” to share with whom they would share their story. They called it “The PIT.” (FYI, we’ve seen nor heard of one individual ever being vetted in anyway before receiving the “data information”.) To illustrate the laxity of any security regarding how the “data” was handled, Englebrecht on August 19. 2022 spoke with Mary Grace at
when she stated to Mary Grace, that “Since the “PIT” anons have unearthed a ton of rock-solid information from their research using the ”data” they received at the “PIT.” Catherine expressed “they asked people in attendance to help.” They felt they needed to share it with people they “trusted”. We found that to be strange considering Phillips stated on his September 2, 2022, Patriot Games Gamechangers podcast that “he trusted no one.” Phillips and Engelbrecht state they brought a guy in that brought in their own search engine. Unfortunately, this and the rest of the information was not available to the public. Why?
Phillips told Alabama Unfiltered on the August 31, 2022, show, “They purposely shut it all down” (The PIT coverage), he says, “They caught flack over it.” Bryan Dawson, the interviewer, replied “And that’s why they aren’t there, and we were.” Why would they do such a thing like this to people? Not surprisingly, Catherine claimed on September 2, 2022, during the Patriot Games podcast called Gamechangers, “They had no idea the “Pit” was going to be shown.” Really? They publicized the “PIT” for two months on Truth Social along with multiple other media outlets. They took joy in falsely leading audiences to believe they would be given “the big reveal” that was about to “shock the world” and “pull the rip cord” (data from the 2000 mules movie identifying who the mules were and who funded the election changing ballot harvesting operation) It appears the real purpose of the event was to obfuscate from the lack of promised “rip cord data” and bring attention to the next grift, the “Tiger Project” involving Konnech. For those watching online, all they received was hype about “new products to buy” and “website subscription offers”, albeit only for those “approved” and granted access.
To add insult to injury, Phillips planned a “fake Pit” on July 15, 2022. He states, “He” invited a whole bunch of bad guys, and they all showed up.” He said, “they tracked their phone and figured out who the bad guys were, sorted through it and decided.” He posted on Truth Social that “they learned so much from all those who showed up by following their pattern of life before and after the fake event” Incongruously, Phillips calls himself a Christian. When was he asked where the “Fake event” took place? He replied, “it was on the east coast people traveled from everywhere, when they arrived, no one was there.” Phillips thought this act of revenge was priceless and laughed along with all the interviewers. When asked where he was at the time the “fake event” was supposed to be taking place, He responded that “He was at a sheriff’s conference in Las Vegas.” Again, he laughed and thought it was extremely funny that these people drove long distances and spent money to get there, apparently expressing no remorse whatsoever for having planned it.
For those who were hoping an actual effort to ensure the integrity of our elections would be pursued by True the Vote, it is disturbing that Phillips exhibits such callous disregard for followers and donors while simultaneously posting scripture on Truth Social.com thanking God for showing him how to treat others like he wants to be treated or posting that “he wakes to hate.” He frequently labels people as “haters” if “he assesses you are harming his movement, his friends, other warriors or have no true north and he will crush you.” Or issues veiled threats: “Bad news for the “haters” is we have all we need to track your “Ass” down.” To add insult to injury, he told a woman “To go “F” herself” just for asking a question. This online behavior, questionable as it is pales in comparison to what took place after the “PIT” meeting was complete. Phillips reportedly caused a huge disruption and asked the police to be called but claimed a woman at the hotel was at fault. Those watching the video coverage or reading all the comments that the tribe was posting on Truth Social.com told a very different story.
Several days after the “Pit” meeting a close ally of Phillips who uses the handle Cognitivecarbon on Truth Social.com, and was present at the “PIT” meeting, wrote an explicit account (see Substack.com.) describing how Phillips obtained the “data” from the China server in August 2022, saying, in part, “During the course of probing one such software provider, in early 2021 “Gregg and his team” (now it’s “Gregg and his team”) stumbled across the information and IP address for a server that was purportedly associated with a company named Konnech,at least according to the records of service that track IP addresses ownership and location. (What software application?). That IP address, it turns out, was located in China. It was evidentially used by some instances of the software application for a period of time, before switching to a new IP address in Michigan.” How interesting. They were “probing” and then “stumbled” across an IP address. According to this account from someone involved, they were using software to track the ownership and location (Reminder, this software is “Binary Edge”, the software that does the work for you). Again, they didn’t “stumble” on to any of this and it all appears to be purposeful.
Cognitivecarbon goes on to say, “The software itself wasn’t concerning at the “surface level”; but the fact that one instance of it was apparently connecting to a server in China raised some eyebrows which warranted a closer look. While “Gregg and his team” were investigating the IP address to determine what was behind it, one of these routine “scans” showed a port on that IP address-27017 it is typically used by a data base called MongoDB. They thought that to be odd since Konnech was using SQL.” He further explains that “It is common for “cyber security professionals” who are exploring a network to “test the locks” when they find an “open window or doors as they walk around a “building” of interest, and in this case, they did a quick check on MongoDB port (“rattled the windows they tested to see if they could go in”) to see if it responded.” When it did, they next tried a pretty basic thing: they “tested” to see if they were able to log into it with a default “out of the box” username and password. They blamed the so called “open window” on operator error on Konnech’s part.
Phillips and his team were able to walk right in the front door because it wasn’t locked. “They then” look around the place” and what they found was shocking: “DATA” that included personal details of nearly 1.8 million US poll workers. Details like their names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Even the names of their family members: things that might routinely be collected when you hire someone and issue them a paycheck. They also reportedly found rich details about where elections machines were located, including floor plans of buildings used in elections. Normally, this information would be used by election agencies, because the application they were using helped them track their election machine inventory.”Cognitivecarbon says, “Gregg and Catherine tried to do the right thing to get the FBI involved, but they turned on them for having “DOWNLOADED” from an unsecure server and came into “POSSESSION” of this “DATASET” of 1.8 million US poll workers.” He further states, “Gregg basically did the “equivalent” of picking up and abandoned hard drive of “DATA” left lying “openly on the “ground” in China and the FBI “wants” to accuse him of having it “IN HIS POSSESSION,” and because of what he found on the hard drive!” “They aren’t interested in seeing “if” that data was misused to Hijack our elections by China.” Are you kidding? If the data was misused to hijack our election? All this time Gregg and Catherine have stated Konnech, IInc. Had misused it. This “data” Gregg and Catherine downloaded was not “just” lying on the “ground” somewhere in China at a park! The “data” was in its “house,” and “they” “downloaded it ”by “GOING INTO A SERVER” that was not theirs and taking what was not theirs to begin with! They didn’t have the legal right to take the information, period. If we accidently left the door of our home unlocked and an individual came to the door, found it unsecured and chose to enter without permission and subsequently took what they wanted. We, coming home and discovering the break-in and theft would immediately call the police, make a report and file charges against the individual who committed the crime. However, Gregg and Catharine have told listeners that the reason the FBI was coming after them was for “being thief’s for stealing the Chinese internet.”
Phillips himself promotes Cognitivecarbons work. On many occasions Phillips has cracked jokes about how they couldn’t have stolen 3 servers if they were here in the United States. It is difficult to accept this story at face value rather than using common sense to see through the deception. On truethevote.locals.com Gregg stated, “There is likely to be a “grand jury” convened in the next week or so. It’s supported by one of the best research teams they’ve ever seen come together.” But while we awaited that shoe to drop, Phillips, Engelbrecht and True The Vote were sued by Konnech, Inc. September 12, 2022.
Subsequently, on September 23 ,2022, Brock C. Akers, filed a response to show cause and contempt on behalf of True TheVote, Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, saying in part, “The Defendants had not committed the conduct about which they were accused and were not going to do so. Defendants have neither improperly acquired nor disclosed the “data” acquired on a server in China to anyone other than the FBI. He states that, “Defendants turned over “data” and information to the Federal Bureau of Investigations which had been given to them. The “data” and information that was turned over then became what Defendants understood to be an investigation by the FBI. Providing the identity of the individual from whom this “data” has the potential of disrupting the FBI investigation, pure and simple. Specifically, Defendants believe that revealing the name of this individual has significant national security and law enforcement implications that should be addressed outside of this Court.”
Akers goes on to inform the court that, “Defendants wrote a letter to the court on September 15, 2022, under seal providing the name, but not to Konnech or the public. Further, Defendants wrote to the FBI the same day to alert them of this matter and to the potential risk of what might be to them and undesirable interference in their investigation, inviting the FBI to assert itself on this matter. To date, the FBI has taken no position despite the invitation to do so.” Towards the end, it states, “The Defendants have not gained access to Konnech’s servers in the past and have not purloined Konnech’s “data.” Defendants are unwilling to violate 18 U.S.C. 798 and thwart the efforts of the FBI to investigate massive improprieties by being imprudent in the revealing of his identity. They are asking that the court withhold the “name” provided to the Court under seal until the FBI expresses disinterest in its being revealed, and for other and further relief to which Defendants are otherwise justly entitled.” We do find it interesting that the FBI has yet to respond on the Defendants behalf.
This response to the court contradicts every single-story Gregg and Catherine have told to the public about how they obtained the “data.” Phillips and Engelbrecht recounted many times via video, meetings and interviews, how they took the “data” and showed the “data” to others. Sadly, they have stated in other filings that they had not seen the “data.” Additionally, Phillips and Engelbrecht have admitted they worked with a “Team” of people yet have only implicated one person and it was he that gave the “data” to Phillips and Engelbrecht. Videos don’t lie. Either Phillips and Engelbrecht have purposely lied to the public for selfish gain, fame or power through unsavory means or they did exactly what they have claimed they’ve done on videos, in meetings and interviews. Either way, it’s wrong and it clearly demonstrates a serious lack of integrity on their part.
Konnech, Inc. Australia posted on their website they have won a favorable decision in a lawsuit against a person who made the same claims that Phillips and Engelbrecht have made. There is one exception to be seen and understood, this gentleman didn’t download “data” from a server that wasn’t his.
We have a country to save, and this type of behavior is irresponsible and damaging, particularly when purporting to be serving patriots in their efforts to ensure election integrity. Americans who are fighting and praying for freedom from a Government that has abandoned their country, their fellow Americans, their morals and values for the sake of power, money and control at any cost including killing innocent men women and children expect and deserved better. We must demand better, and we must do better, and each of us must strive to be better than this.
In God we trust.
We will be monitoring the ongoing legal proceedings re:Konnech, Inc. vs. Phillips & Engelbrecht
Make of this factual presentation what you will.
…and watch this space
This is great work, thanks for putting this all together...bout time someone did...Phillips and KAtherine have been doign this for years. If you go through the archive of the TTV site through the years it shows all the different bs "tech platforms" they have tried to establish and get money for over the years. They range from election fraud hotlines to voter registration databases, poll worker training, etc
Another thing, there is abs NO LEGIT REASON TrueTheVote has given regarding why they have not released the "geolocation" data about the drop boxes, nonprofits, and the politicians who worked together to steal our elections. Originally TTV said it was a privacy issue, they pushed back the date over and over again and now they never talk about it. i mean , WTF how is no one bothered by this?! Esp all the hype around 2000 mules. Our movement is always asking people to provide the sauce and to question everything...then everyone lets TTV off after raising millions and not providing any actual info of substance.
Meanwhile, heritage foundation has just released a report detaling the "geo-fencing" data of cell phones used by illegal aliens and the non profits they are sent to throughout the US. They listed all the nonprofits involved and showed a map of where the cell phone pings were located. Their project took less then a year to complete, and has provided valuable information regarding who is funding the invasion at our southern border.
Knowing which NGOs and politicians have been working together ballot harvesting is equally important, now TTv never even mentions it...There is def a pattern here. promote a super hi tech data gathering operation involving election fraud esp around election time, make a bunch of dramatic and convincing claims regarding this data, ask for donations to fund more super hi tech data, make some fancy videos, ads, website, do some interviews promoting it, raise more money, hype up the data more, release some info but nothing substantial, continuously put off releasing any actual info, push back date over and over, move on to next project hoping everyone forget repaet next election cycle. They've been doing this for years...
For comparison just look at all the lawsuits groups like Judicial Watch and Voterga have brought to the courts, and won over the years. The head of Voterga is retired and doesn't take a salary, Tom Fitton works his ass off and has won numerous election lawsuits requiring states to remove inactive voters from their voter rolls...Or look at all th groups Mike Lindell has helped...
Has TTv ever even wo or even followed through on a lawsuit? What exactly has TTv ever done for election integrity? They've raised a bunch of money, what are they doing right now for election integrity? Go through the TTv website, is there anything of substance showing TTv's accomplishments? look through this lawsuit against TTv and youll see the scheme TTV continuously uses...https://getliner.com/file/pdf/7P9J6JTS0YSKQ3XD2FFSQ8C7WD
Anyways great work. It is beyond frustrating groups like these take money away from hard working election integrity groups...time to expose them
I'd recommend coming at this from the 30,000 ft level first. Then dig into the details. It's apparent someone with information came to True the Vote; that someone would have to have access to the best cyber forensics tools. Our government pays thousands to civilians and military to ensure our election data and systems are secure. They were not secure. The better question to ask is why didn't our government find this breach? They found it, this is exactly what their tools are set to find. If someone found this and nothing was done with it inside, where would you go? To a group that has done nothing but election integrity efforts for over a decade would be my guess. You do understand anything on a server in China is viewed as CCP property? You do understand taking evidence of a crime to ensure it isn't wiped IS NOT the same thing as walking into someone's house and taking something correct?